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Showing posts from April, 2020

* F * A * Q *

Q. What is the mission of the Functional Freedom Institute?      A. To give people confidence in their own ability to obtain health freedom through approachable life style changes.  Q. How is a functional approach different from mainstream medicine?   A.    While mainstream medicine is looking for a disease diagnosis to label you with according to a set of symptoms, a functional approach considers all they body systems together as they respond to a stress. The goal is to help the body systems re-balance themselves so they don't become exhausted and fail. Naming a problem is not the goal with a functional approach.  Boosting every organ's function is the goal. Mainstream approaches are primarily pharmaceutical or surgical. Functional approaches are drug free and surgery free.  A symptom can be considered a sign of an "exhausted police force," meaning an overwhelmed body needs some type of nourishing intervention that works in sync with the body.   The a